Construction, Repair, and Improvement

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Business Name: 84 Lumber
Business Website Address:
Address: 170 Commerce Drive
City: Piperton
State: TN
Zipcode: 38017
Business Phone Number: 901-861-8433
Business Name: AJ Refrigeration Inc
City: Arlington
State: TN
Zipcode: 38002
Business Phone Number: 901-568-3013
Business Name: Alliant Construction
Long Business Description:

Alliant Construction is a commercial construction company working with private owners, developers, governmental agencies, and other partners. We are committed to hard work and continuous improvement as well as the highest standards of safety, quality, and service. Alliant team members have proven track records of success and integrity with considerable experience designing, estimating, building, and managing projects. Individually and collectively, we take great pride in meeting and exceeding expectations.

Business Website Address:
Address: 1715 Aaron Brenner Dr., Suite 601
City: Memphis
State: TN
Zipcode: 38120
Business Phone Number: 901-256-5500
Long Business Description:

Arlington Home Improvement

Address: 12255 Dargie Dr.
City: Arlington
State: TN
Zipcode: 38002
Business Phone Number: 901-867-8887
Long Business Description:

Arlington Plumbing Company, Inc.

Business Website Address:
Address: PO Box 929
City: Arlington
State: TN
Zipcode: 38002
Business Phone Number: 901-867-0522